Default App is a MacOS 8 utility that allows you to open documents matching certain file/creator types with the applications you specify, instead of the applications that created those documents.
For instance, Default App can be configured so that when you double-click a SimpleText document in the Finder, it gets opened in a more powerful text editor, like Style or Tex-Edit Plus. Or you can have Script Editor compiled scripts opened with Script Debugger. Or Internet Explorer documents opened with HTML Viewer. Well, you get the idea.
How Do I Configure Default App?
Suppose you want to configure Default App so that SimpleText read-only documents (the ones with the gray newspaper icon) are opened with Style (a cool text editor by yours truly):
1. Open Default App. You are presented with a window with two panels: a Document Kinds panel on the left and an Applications panel on the right (see the figure).
2. Drag a SimpleText read-only document from the Finder to the Document Kinds panel.
3. Drag Style from the Finder to the Applications panel.
4. Click the SimpleText read-only document icon in the Document Kinds panel.
5. Click the Style icon in the Applications panel.
6. That’s it! You have established a mapping.
To make sure it really works, double-click the SimpleText document in the Finder (you don’t even have to close the control panel first).
Now suppose you want to undo this mapping, so that SimpleText documents are once again opened normally, using SimpleText:
1. Open Default App.
2. Click the SimpleText document icon in the Document Kinds panel.
3. Hit delete.
Simple, huh?
How Do I Install Default App?
Just drag Default App onto your system folder icon. The Finder will ask you if you want to put it in your Control Panels folder, where it belongs. Click OK. That’s all.
By the way, you don’t need to restart your computer in order for Default App to start working.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can you make a version of Default App that works with System 7.x?
A: Probably yes, but chances are it would have to patch traps or otherwise interact with the Finder in ugly ways. Default App does its magic by using a little known (but documented) “hook” introduced in version 8.0 of the Finder specifically for this purpose (if you’re curious, this hook is documented in technote #1102). It doesn’t patch any traps or do anything else that’s likely to jeopardize the stability of the system.
Q: Does Default App have anything to do with MacOS Easy Open?
A: No. Default App and MacOS Easy Open are two totally different pieces of software that serve different purposes. Easy Open gets into play when the creator of the document is missing — it does nothing if you have the creator application installed. Default App, on the other hand, is meant mostly for those cases when the creator application is present, but you don’t want to use it (SimpleText being a typical case). And by the way, Default App doesn’t touch the Easy Open mappings database.
Q: Can you base the app selection on the last three characters of the file name (i.e., on the DOS/Windoze extension)?
A: Good suggestion. Version 1.0b3 supports this (see below).
Version History
1997-08-17 1.0d0 First attempt: Default App is a faceless application
1997-08-19 1.0b1 Completely rewritten as a small extension
1997-12-28 1.0b2 Rewritten as a MacOS 8-style control panel
1998-01-26 1.0b3 Some bug fixes, IC mappings support (experimental)
1998-04-21 1.0 First final release
1999-08-15 1.0.1b2 Addresses an issue with generic mappings
1999-09-01 1.0.1 Second final release
File Extension Mappings
Default App can be configured to map documents to applications based on file name extensions (e.g., “.gif” or “.txt”). To enable this advanced feature, choose “Options...” from the Edit menu and check the box in the dialog that appears:
To edit file extension mappings, choose “File Extension Mappings...” from the Edit menu. This will open the corresponding window in the Internet control panel or, previous to Mac OS 8.5, in the Internet Config application.
What’s New in Version 1.0.1?
• Suppose you want to configure Default App so that CodeWarrior text files open in CodeWarrior, but all other text files open in Style. The obvious thing to do is to add a “CodeWarrior text file to CodeWarrior” mapping, followed by a “generic TEXT document to Style” mapping (how to add generic mappings is explained further below). Unfortunately, this didn’t work in Default App 1.0 because of a bug that’s hopefully fixed in this version.
• In previous versions, trying to remove an entry in the Applications pane would silenty fail if the application was mapped to by one of the Document Kinds entry. Now a polite message appears at the bottom of the window.
• More PowerPC native code (to be precise, the main Apple event handler that does the real work in now native PowerPC code on PowerPC hardware).
• Renamed “Internet Config Mappings” to “File Extension Mappings” in the user interface as the latter is the preferred denomination starting from Mac OS 8.5.
• Changed the Kagi address in the Register application to comply with recent US Postal Service regulations.
What Was New in Version 1.0?
• Default App is now shareware (US$ 10). Registrations are handled by Kagi (see the separate “How to Register” document).
• If you hold down the option key while dropping a document icon from the Finder to the Document Kinds panel, Default App will add a generic document kind to the list. A generic document kind will match any document with the same file type, regardless of its creator type.
For example, if you drag a SimpleText text document to the Document Kinds panel while holding down the option key, all text documents (not just text documents created by SimpleText) will be mapped to the application you specify.
• Added a “Register Online” item to the Help menu that takes you to the online registration web page for Default App.
• Added Balloon Help for windows and menus.
• Several minor cosmetic bug fixes.
Technical Support
If you have questions, suggestions, words of appreciation or bug reports, you can contact us at the following address:
By the way, you can choose “Send Us Mail” from Default App’s Help menu to create an outgoing message in your preferred e-mail application.
New versions of Default App will be made available through our web page: